Sabtu, 31 Maret 2018

Beginning a Cadaver Dog

Beginning a Cadaver Dog

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Beginning a Cadaver Dog

When you first start to train a cadaver dog, you will want to have a good amount of basic obedience training already accomplished. Your dog needs to know how to behave on a leash. He needs to know how to sit, especially if that is the "alert" that you will want him to use, or to "down" (for the same reason). Some handlers prefer that their dog do a bark alert at the indication of cadaver, others prefer that their dog will scratch at the cadaver. If this is the case, your dog will need to know the verbal commands to perform these behaviors. Your dog also needs to know how to follow directional signals to a certain degree, in other words when you say to your dog "check it out" and indicate to him an area that you want him to search, he should already know what those words mean.

It is best to start a Cadaver Dog who already has attended at least one obedience class, who is bonded to you well enough that the majority of the time he will focus on what you want him to perform. A good test for this thing called "focus", (which is a highly important aspect of a good search dog) is to try this little trick. Say your dogs' name, when he is distracted. Do this often. Say your dog's name, when he is not distracted. Do this often too! If you can count on his looking at you within 3 seconds after you say his name, ninety percent of the time, then you are ready to advance to training for cadaver.

Depending on the breed, most dogs are not ready for this kind of focus until they are past the age of six months. In addition, some dogs will appear to be quite focused but at about 8 months old it all goes out the door and they become like wild adolescents and never "listen" to a thing you say. If that happens, cut back on the training exercises and concentrate on obedience and skill work, mixed with a lot of socialization and long walks.

Do not start your dog on cadaver until you also have a reward for him that lets him know that he is absolutely the most wonderful dog in the world and that you are very very happy with him. This must be a reward which really lets him know, in no uncertain terms, that he has done something great. You need to know your dog well enough to know what it is that will "turn him on" and be ready to give him that special thing. Whether it be praise and affection or a special toy or a food treat, have it ready.

Then get out your cadaver. For this first introduction, you will need only one cadaver scent article. This can be tissue, blood or teeth. Bone and Hair are not usually sufficient in the very beginning. Lay out several articles on the floor, or outdoors in the grass, wherever you want to start. Use common everyday articles, things that are not highly interesting to the dog and perhaps with which he is not familiar. These can be any household item, as long as it is not a special toy that your dog loves, or your own articles of clothing. Examples are; a coffee can, a hammer, a plastic spatula, a kitchen pot, you get the idea. You should scatter about six or seven of these articles around in a 50 foot square area. Amongst them have ONE cadaver item, in a glass salt shaker with the lid open so that the scent will come out through the holes. Never handle cadaver with your bare hands, you should have prepared this cadaver and placed it in the shaker and handled the shaker with plastic gloves!!

Then allow your dog, on lead or loose, to wander into this area of mixed articles. Chances are he will sniff at a few of these things and especially the chances are good that he will sniff at the cadaver. The instant he touches the cadaver, reward him with hearty praise and give him his treat. Do this several times, in different locations and using different items. Gradually add in more than one cadaver scent. Only reward him for sniffing or touching the cadaver.

Plan to conduct this exercise at least ten different times before you advance to the next stage, which will be to train the alert that you want him to give to you before you give him his reward. Only after he is giving a good "alert" on this exercise do you want to progress to hidden cadaver and different search areas and more complicated scenarios. This is going to take awhile. Be patient. In the end, careful training and consistent training will produce results.

Before You Start Your First 3PL Company

Before You Start Your First 3PL Company

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Before You Start Your First 3PL Company

3PL companies work to set up and run logistics operations for other companies. Such services range quite a bit, a contract warehouse may simply manage and broker freight flows for a client or it may perform the more complex job of becoming a client's major warehouse distribution center for all operations.

If you have been toying with the idea of setting up your own 3PL company, there are a few things you should determine beforehand. You must have a firm grasp on the services you want to provide as well as the specific industry that will be your company's specialty. Get a firm grasp on the market especially those services and operational areas that will be a key part of your own business. Carefully go over the startup costs, finances and available funds. Consider how or if you will be able to run major distribution centers for client companies, train employees and the general complexity involved in this business. Before heading straight into business, go over the key areas involved in such a venture, and remember that there are quite a few ways to go about running a 3PL.

Although, you may be talented at keeping clients satisfied, 3PL companies may suffer from cancellation contracts for any number of reasons. You do not want your business to fail, so there are some important things to consider before you begin. To be successful in the 3PL world, keep in mind a few key ideas.

First, have a firm outsourcing strategy handy at all times, a plan that has been carefully considered in terms of outsourcing and possible outcomes as opposed to what your business' in-house abilities are. Observe the strengths and opportunities offered by outsourcing as well as the threats and weaknesses by undergoing a SWOT analysis. Knowing about these benefits and drawbacks will give you a clear picture of the challenges that lie ahead.

It is important to that there are no inconsistencies in procedure by setting operating procedures for those tasks being outsourced in stone. This way a client's expectations will always be met, and points of both accordance and discordance can be clearly documented. Performance standards must be clearly defined by your business. This will allow you to clearly see what tactics need to be improved, as well as how best to improve them. Gather information by using a Request for Information. This will not only highlight your own strengths and weaknesses, but those of other companies as well.

Make sure that your costing system is highly efficient; this will allow you to understand just how much money is going into outsourcing. Measure the cost against the benefits of the services. By grasping activity-based costing, you will be able to better see the differences between projected an actual costs. Companies that offer third party logistics services may differ greatly in what they do for each client. Such a company must have a thorough understanding of its own business model in order to create a respected business, one that will attract and keep clients for years to come.

Be My Memory Alzheimers Assistance Dogs

Be My Memory  Alzheimers Assistance Dogs

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Be My Memory  Alzheimers Assistance Dogs

Alzheimers disease is frightening. The loss of your health as well as the part of you that makes you unique is a terrifying idea. Those who are affected by this disease begin to lose memory, judgment, and orientation in time and to their surroundings, along with their ability to relate normally to the presence of people because of damage to their cognitive thinking. These changes interrupt their normal function in everyday life. The loss of orientation interferes with the ability to return home safely which could be compromising to their safety every time they step out of the door alone.

As the disease progresses, Alzheimers sufferers experience terrible isolation, frustration, anger and helplessness. As the disease starts slowly, it leaves the sufferer aware of what is happening to him and what he can expect in the future. People as young as 50 to 60 can start feeling the first effects, and active, respected professionals find themselves prisoners in their own homes, dependent on others for even the simplest things. The resulting depression and despair often leads the patient to refuse to leave his home or bed and to refuse contact with others as well as serious deterioration of the patients physical health.

An Israeli dog trainer, specializing in training dogs for various disabilities, felt that there had to be a way to train dogs to help early onset Alzheimers sufferers live a normal life for as long as possible so as not to be a burden on their families and caretakers. Dogs assist people with a variety of physical and mental disabilities so there should be no reason why they could not also be trained to help Alzheimers patients. After consulting with medical, psychiatric, social workers, and technical experts, a service dog program was developed to specifically cope with the problems of this condition.

The first dog to be trained in the program was a smooth collie, starting when she was three months of age. Her main job is to bring her master safely home when he becomes disoriented, avoiding obstacles such as parked cars, holes, traffic and anything else that might get in the way. In addition, she is trained to give her charge support to avoid falls and injuries which Alzheimers sufferers experience when they have lost their orientation to their surroundings.

Patients often feel fear, distress, loneliness, and anxiety, and lose the ability to act with caution so the task of the dog is to be a friend and be with the patient 24 hours a day. They are able to calm their owner and distract him from his fears and worries and improve his mood. The dog is with him at night and when other family members are busy with other pursuits so the patient is never alone. When their charge is feeling depressed and will not get out of bed, the dog is trained to pester him by pulling off the blanket, bringing toys, and will not quit until his owner gets up and tends to his needs. It is important for Alzheimers sufferers to keep active as it is believed to be a factor to slowing the progression of the disease. Alzheimers assistance dogs enable their owners to go out for a walk without the company of other family members which is excellent for the well-being of the patient, increasing contact with other people who show an interest and are curious about the dog wearing the special harness. This contact and interaction helps to bring the Alzheimers patient out of the loneliness, isolation, and boredom cycle. The Alzheimers assistance dog is trained to detect unusual physical conditions or problems with their owner such as difficulties breathing, falls and the like and will call for help.

The primary task of the assistance dog is to bring his master safely home. If the patient begins to feel lost or disoriented, he is conditioned to give the command "Home!" to the dog. The dog takes control, leads the patient back home and barks at the door to alert the family members. A special GPS homing device, which is attached to the dogs harness should his master forget the command, is not able to give the command, or has wandered into a completely unfamiliar area, can be used by family members to alert the dog that it is time to come home. The GPS device can locate the dog should the patient refuse to follow.

The task of the Alzheimers assistance dog is demanding, complex, and stressful, more so than any service task performed by dogs as they must be able to take the initiative when necessary and function without any commands from their owner, in response to the situation. These dogs must be able to put up with the radical mood changes, typical of the disease; to stay loving, devoted, and able to keep working. After much consideration and trying various possibilities, the smooth collie proved the ideal breed. This efficient herding dog is highly trainable without being overly active or spirited and are not aggressive to people or other dogs and animals. They have a strong play drive which is essential in their training, extremely loyal, and want to be with their people 24 hours a day. They are tough, resilient, and tolerant of mood changes in their master and keep on working and will not let patient instabilities interfere with the dog and master bonding. They are a healthy breed and easy to care for.

Now, a larger breeding group of smooth collies must be established from stock with proven working ability; to produce more puppies to assist more people. Alzheimers assistance dogs can change the lives of people living in despair due to this horrible disease and help them live independent and functional lives for as long as possible.

Jumat, 30 Maret 2018

Basset Hound Training Essentials

Basset Hound Training Essentials

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Basset Hound Training Essentials

Training a dog should be an enjoyable and easy task both for you and your dog, but things can be different in Basset Hound training. It is because Basset Hounds, just like any other hounds, are extremely hard to train. They tend not to obey commands given to them because as scent hounds they prefer to follow what their noses tell them. Low desire to please its owner is another reason why a basset hound is hard to train.

When it comes to dog training, especially obedience training, a Basset hound is less likely to be chosen by most dog owners and trainers because of its characteristics towards training. However, it is not impossible to train a Basset hound if you really want to. Some have been successful in training their Basset hounds but only a few of them. Patience, together with your great love for your Basset hound is essential in order to have a well behaved dog.

Training tips are just few clicks away when searching a web and you can also learn through seminars from dog experts. But the best method in Basset Hound training is to know and listen to your dog. Discover what exercise or activity your dog enjoys and start your way from there. Let him understand that training is fun! Be artistic and create fun and exciting training methods and as much as possible, vary it from time to time so as not to bore them. Limit the training session to only 10-20 minutes. Slowing down and showing resistance to work is an indication that he has become bored or he doesnt like your training method.

Using training tools such as crate and rewards are ideal partner in every training session. Most Basset hounds obey command when offered reward, but will forget the training when reward is being offered. To do away with this, hide the reward from the dog before giving a command. Show him the reward only until he has complied with the command so as to come up with a Basset hound who follows command with or without the presence of a reward. The point here is to give him the idea that you may have a reward for him even if he can not see it.

It is also important to know the right time to start training. Making mistakes in the beginning of the training may delay the process and may not guarantee better results. Begin the training with something he enjoys so that he will be convinced to do it. Avoid being harsh and force your dog to do something which you think he doesnt like. Consistency and determination is much more helpful.

With these tips, you will surely be able to come up with nicely trained dog. You can now aim higher levels of training such as obedience and agility training, and prove others that it is not impossible to train these stubborn four legged friends.

Backpacking The Most Enjoyable Method To Travel On A Budget

Backpacking The Most Enjoyable Method To Travel On A Budget

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Backpacking The Most Enjoyable Method To Travel On A Budget

If you're familiar with budget travel, you've probably heard of backpacking. It is a popular method of international travel that involves traveling with whatever items you can fit into a backpack. Backpackers stay in hostels versus hotels and oftentimes shop in grocery stores and prepare their own food versus eating out in restaurants. Backpacking is popular with young people who want to see the world but can't spend lot of money doing it.

The Advantages of Backpacking

The obvious perk of backpacking is that it is cheap. Backpackers travel using the cheapest modes of transportation like bus and train. They stay in inexpensive hostels and eat inexpensive food. One of the joys of backpacking is that when you are on the backpacking trail, you can meet many other travelers and share stories. You can also make friendships that last a lifetime. Even backpacking alone can be entertaining since you will meet so many people on the same trail and have more opportunities to interact with others at hostels where you share dorms and kitchens.

Backpacking is also more interesting than traveling as a hotel tourist because you are oftentimes exposed to parts of the culture that you wouldn't be if you were just on tours and staying in fancy hotels. You can learn about areas of cities that only locals go to and local people are more likely to approach you to show you around.

Another advantage of backpacking is that most backpackers can afford to spend an extended amount of time traveling since their money goes a long way. Many backpackers travel for months on end. Gap year travel refers to backpacking after one graduates from high school or university. Many young people travel for a year prior to entering university or the work force.

Backpacking has grown considerably in the 2000s due to the fact that cheap airlines and budget accommodations are becoming more commonplace. The internet and popularity of travel guides such as Moon guidebooks and Lonely Planet are also making it much easier for travelers to plan trips and know what to expect.

Backpacking Europe is one of the most popular routes because of the proximity of all of the different countries and good infrastructure. The train system and large amount of hostels makes Europe an easy and enjoyable destination to backpack. However many adventurous backpackers are also choosing to backpack in developing areas that are further off the beaten path.

In conclusion, backpacking is an inexpensive and enjoyable way to see the world. With the recent economic crunch, for many people backpacking is the only viable way to travel. It is becoming popular even with older people since it gives travelers the opportunity to interact with each other as well as get closer to the local cultures in the countries they visit. If you want to see the world and don't mind giving up some of the creature comforts you are used to, get out there and see what backpacking is all about.

Arthur Lydiard, the World's Greatest Middle Distance Coach, on How to Train Effectively

Arthur Lydiard, the World's Greatest Middle Distance Coach, on How to Train Effectively

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Arthur Lydiard, the World's Greatest Middle Distance Coach, on How to Train Effectively

As a lifelong runner, master's and senior competitor in track and field, I have read hundreds of stories on training techniques.

These same hundreds of stories generally dealt with addressing specific aspects of training.

It was not until I bought and read "Running, The Lydiard Way" that training philosophy became more important than individual workouts to achieve specific results.

Lydiard was New Zealand's top marathon runner before his runners burst on the scene in the 1960 Rome Olympic Games.

Murray Halberg won the 5000 meters and became a sub-four-minute miler who went on to set a string of world records. Peter Snell won the 800 meters. Snell would win both the 800 and 1500 meters at the 1964 Tokyo Olympics, and John Davies would earn the Bronze medal in the 1500.

When Lydiard went to Finland to change the fortunes of its running program, the result was that Lasse Viren won the 5000 and 10,000 meter double at both the 1972 and 1976 Olympic Games.

It was the influence of Lydiard that led New Zealand to create the first organized jogging group in the world.

Bill Bowerman, the University of Oregon's legendary coach, went to New Zealand to see what Lydiard was doing and returned to create the jogging craze in the United States.

Arthur Lydiard's basic theory was that long, even-paced running at a strong speed increases strength and endurance, even when it is continued close to the point of collapse; it is beneficial, not harmful, to regular competition.

It is hardly a stretch to suggest that Lydiard's influence has made him the greatest coach ever. No less of a coach that Bill Bowerman said in his book, "Coaching Track and Field", that "there is no better distance coach in the world (than Arthur Lydiard)."

After reading and studying Lydiard's book (written with Garth Gilmour), I condensed the following training philosophy of Lydiard's system and continue to study and use it today:

Arthur Lydiard on Running:

Aerobic exercise is 19 times more economical than anaerobic exercise.

A daily program of sustained running is essential to achieving correct respiratory and circulatory development. The longer the periods of running, the better the results of the sustained effort will be.

You should understand that it is the speed of the running that stops you, not the distance. Running that breaks the even passage of time and distance is anaerobic, not aerobic, and it must be avoided.

All this running must be steady and even, at a pace that leaves you tired at the end, but knowing you could have run faster if you had wanted to. In other words, you should be pleasantly tired.

Your aim is to find your best aerobic speed over the various courses. If, during any of these runs, you find you have to ease back a little to recover, you will know that you have moved into the anaerobic phase. This is neither economical nor desirable.

Continual creation of large oxygen debts by doing anaerobic training accumulates:

1) lactic acid and other wastes

2) upsets the nutritive system

3) reduces the benefits of vitamins

4) reduces nourishment from food

5) disrupts enzyme functions

6) slows recovery

7) makes further training difficult

8) upsets the nervous system

9) makes you disinterested and irritable

10) induces insomnia and low spirits

11) endangers your general health

12) makes you vulnerable to injuries and illness.

My most frequent admonition to athletes and coaches is: train, do not strain.

Running is without question the best exercise for runners, and provided you watch the degree of effort, you can not really do too much of it.

Once you are moving freely over the shorter runs, you should move into one or two longer runs each week to maintain the improvement and build confidence in yourself.

The anaerobic stage of your preparation should only be tackled after you have developed your aerobic capacity and maximum steady state to the highest possible levels. Four weeks of hard anaerobic training is usually enough.

Do not let age deter anyone from tackling long mileages, as long as the individual is happy about it and exercises carefully.

Running, I repeat, is the best exercise for runners, and the more you do in a balanced aerobic-anaerobic ratio according to this overall system, the better you will be.

If you do not understand the difference between aerobic and anaerobic running and other terms used here, you could buy Lydiard's book and learn the difference.

Lydiard's work is a textbook not only on his philosophy of running but also on the physiology of exercise.

Copyright (c) 2007 Ed Bagley

Kamis, 29 Maret 2018

Are You Entitled To Take Paid Time Off To Attend Job Interviews

Are You Entitled To Take Paid Time Off To Attend Job Interviews

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Are You Entitled To Take Paid Time Off To Attend Job Interviews

There are many factors which may contribute to you being unhappy in your position of employment. These include feeling stressed out by your workload, feeling inadequately qualified to carry out the tasks expected of you, low morale in the workplace, not getting on with your colleagues, spending too much time commuting, long hours, poor working conditions, and unachievable or unrealistic targets. As we often spend so much of our time in the workplace it can very quickly start to affect all areas of our life if we are not at all happy with our position of employment.

The only circumstance under which your employer is legally obliged to allow you paid time off work to attend interviews is if you are facing redundancy and you have worked for your employer for at least two consecutive years. In this case, you are entitled to a reasonable amount of time off work (during the period leading up to your redundancy) to look for alternative employment.

If you work flexible hours you may be able to work this to your advantage and arrange your interviews to fit in with your working hours.

In the event that you are applying for an internal promotion, or an alternative position within the same company, your employer may, at their discretion, allow you to attend the interview during work time.

If you do not work flexible hours, are not on notice of being made redundant and are not applying for an internal position, it may be necessary for you to take annual leave in order to attend interviews. This way you should not have to give your employer an explanation as to why you require time off work (you may not wish to make your employer aware that you are seeking alternative employment) and you will not lose out financially by taking annual leave to attend interviews. If you do not have enough annual leave then you may have to take unpaid time off work to attend interviews and you may have to explain to your employer why you require this time off.

Many prospective employers understand that you are not in a position where you wish to inform your current employer that you are seeking alternative employment and they are usually, therefore, flexible as to when you may be able to attend an interview (for example, they may agree to you attending an interview after outside of normal working hours if this is mutually convenient).

An Introduction to IRCTC - Indian Railway Catering and Tourism Corporation

An Introduction to IRCTC - Indian Railway Catering and Tourism Corporation

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An Introduction to IRCTC - Indian Railway Catering and Tourism Corporation

IRCTC stands for Indian Railway Catering and Tourism Corporation. It is an Indian Railways subsidiary and takes care of the online ticketing, catering, and tourism operations. Ever since its launch, IRCTC totally revolutionised rail travel in India. In fact, soon after its inception, it became the fastest growing as well as the largest e-commerce website across the entire Asia-Pacific region. So much so, that hordes of private players took their cue from IRCTC well-known sites like ixigo have long since jumped into the fray. The biggest benefactor has been the passenger, who gets to check out Indian Railways seat availability and check out lots of other information from the comfort of his or her own home. Now, here is a look at different services offered by IRCTC.

Making Railway Reservation

Making railway reservation through IRCTC is highly popular amongst travellers. One simply needs to visit the website and click on Signup. The next step is to fill up an online form. This completes your registration with IRCTC. Now, armed with a username and password, you are ready to book tickets. All you need to do is to enter your username and password. This will take you to the Plan my travel page. By filling in the relevant fields and making an online payment, you are ready with your train reservation, subject to the availability of seats.

Checking PNR Status

Besides making railway reservation, the IRCTC website comes in handy for many other purposes. For instance, keeping track of PNR status is another important functionality offered by the website. To check the status of your PNR, you will first have to visit the website and click on Enquiry. Now, different sub-headings will pop up under the main heading of Enquiry. One of these sub headings is PNR Enquiry. Clicking on this option will take you to another link. This page will have a blank field, where you will be required to fill in your PNR number. After this, you will be able to access your PNR status by clicking on Get Status.

Tracking Indian Railways Seat Availability

IRCTC services are also largely used for accessing Indian Railways seat availability information. You can easily check status by visiting the website and feeding in required information by way of destination name, date of journey, and source city. Another field is for choice of class, wherein you need to specify the class you want to travel in. One has better chances of scoring a reservation by opting for My classes are flexible'. So, this is how you can check the availability of seats and finally make your railway reservation.

Author's Bio: 

This post is subimitted by Stephen Leuis. Stephen is a travel writer at ixigo and is passionate about writing destination travel guides and travel tips. This time he is trying to guide train travelers on railway reservations, pnr status & all the indian railways related stuff

Rabu, 28 Maret 2018

An Exciting Round Tours to Vietnam

An Exciting Round Tours to Vietnam

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An Exciting Round Tours to Vietnam

Vietnam is one of the South-East Asian countries. The country is open to the South China Sea on three fronts. Vietnam is known for its beaches, rivers, Buddhist pagodas, and bustling cities. Hanoi is the capital city of Vietnam. Unfortunately, Vietnam has been on the receiving end of the savagery and slaughter induced by the American war. However, the country has bounced back to life and is joust in hope.

The rich culture, astonishing landscapes, delectable cuisine, bountiful shopping sites, all these give travelers a multitude pleasure in visiting Vietnam. Tours to Vietnam is a full on travel package. Hanoi is the capital city of Vietnam and has been for over a thousand of years.

If you are planning for this trip, Hanoi is the right place to begin your tours to Vietnam. Hanoi is called the city with the rivers bend. This city has a very rich cultural heritage blending in harmony with the growing modernization. In the heart of the city, is the Hoan Kiem Lake which is the pride of the Vietnamese. There are a number of old pagodas, dynastic temple, heritage monuments and French-era villas. The city is the center of attraction for all the art lover travelers.

Ho Chi Minh City is situated beside the Saigon River. One of the well-known American rock band, Saigon Kicks derived its name from this place. Density wise, Ho Chi Minh is the largest city in Vietnam and perhaps the most exciting. Some interesting sites of this city will include the Reunification Palace, War Remnants Museum, and the Ho Chi Minh museum. There is also a famous French built catholic cathedral-Note Dame Cathedral. This city also hosts the world famous Ben Thanh market and the Night market which is considered as the paradise of local cuisines, arts, and souvenirs.

Hue is one of the best places in Vietnam mainly because of its special look and feel. It is the ancient capital of Vietnam and is home to the emperors residence. The place is well known for delicate royal cuisines. The glorious time of Nguyen Dynasty is still reflected beautifully even to this day in its culture, architecture, and food.

Ninh Binh is widely referred to as The Ha Long Bay on land. It is well known for its serene beauty and natural landscapes. The destination also boasts of various fascinating attractions such as Trang An Grottoes, Van Phong Nature Reserve, and Hao Lu the ancient capital of Vietnam. One of the best treat to the eyes is the complex of tropical mountains scattered on flat green rice fields.

Sapa is also referred to as The Lost Paradise. Separated by a distance of about 700 kilometers from the capital city, Hanoi, this place lies relatively isolated. Sapa is well known for the traditional Rice cultivation on the green slopes. The waterfalls and the newly developed chairlifts are the few exciting things you should not miss at Sapa.

When you travel to Vietnam, it is not just a travel to the land of rich history. It is more than that. You are traveling to the land of holistic healing and being one with nature. The best of the natural healing spa are confining in Vietnam. On the foot hill of Mountain, there is a well-known spa called the Tao Garden. People from all over the world arrive here for natural healing. Embracing the people is another worthy experience a traveler can ever gain. The native Vietnamese welcome travelers with open arms. They are very optimistic people proud of their rich cultural heritage. Lodging in Vietnam offers a variety of class and comfort. A budget tour is also easy to find in Vietnam. One of the best means of commute will be the train. There are also cheap night buses for long transportation. Other than just traveling and sightseeing, there are also various adventures you can immerse with. Almost all the famous tourist destinations offer a variety of adventure thrills. Phu Quoc Island and Nha Trang offer amazing underwater diving. You can go for kitesurfing at Mui Ne. Sapa offers the adventure of trekking which is worthy of going.

Author's Bio: 

Nhung Hoang is a professional travel and tourist writer. Now he focused on some beautiful travel destination. Which will surely attract you. He tries to help tourist for the best places for vacation. Now he is focusing on Vietnam.

An Analysis of Anita Desais The Accompanist

An Analysis of Anita Desais The Accompanist

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An Analysis of Anita Desais The Accompanist

BY DR. RAM SHARMA SENIOR LECTURER IN ENGLISH J.V.P.G COLLEGE, BARAUT, BAGHPAT, U.P. AND Dr.Anshu Bhardwaj(Sharma) Senior Lecturer in English Depts. Arya College of Engineering & Information Technology SP-42,RIICO Industrial Area Kukas ,Jaipur

Anita Desai, short listed three times for the Booker Prize and honoured by the Padam Shri for her literary forte, is one of the literary luminaries of the contemporary Indian fiction writing in English and a prolific post colonial writer who like Virginia Woolf deals with the psychology of mind and goes deep into the heart of her characters to expose their inner feelings and dig out the hidden questions that spring at the core of their heart and ,thus, she appears travelling with the modernist sensibilities of T.S. Eliot and Faulkner. The author of the highly acclaimed novel Fire On The Mountain and six other novels, has shown her craftsmanship even in the shorter fiction i.e., short stories rather than her novels. It is true that she finds the short story form much less satisfying1 than the novel ,yet she keeps on writing story as she started writing it as early as her college days.2 In her short stories her style shows to even more advantage than in her novels. Her short stories are witty, evocative, tender and perceptive and perfect in revealing her skill and dexterity in handling this genre. Not only her novels but her short stories also are the great exposure of her psychological perspect.

Desais The Accompanist, an extract of Games At Twlight (1978) delineates the emotional state of a tanpura player who, in this story, proves a true shishy and a true accompanist and is known as Bhaiya or the accompanist. The story is woven in the thread of true human relationship between ustad Rahim Khan,a former classical musician and Bhaiya ,the tanpura player who accompanies him in his performance having the quality of love and devotion.

Ajit and Bhola ,Bhaiyas childhood friends appear in the story as Mephistophilis in Marlowes Dr. Faustus, whose business is to corrupt ,mislead and caution and dissuades Dr .Faustus from his right path. They visited the accompanist almost two decades and provoked him to come out of the shadows of his master Rahim khan and create his own identity by being a soloist. They stated:

You even know how to play the sarod and the veena. You could be a great Ustad yourself ,with some practicewhy do you spend your life sitting at the back stage and playing that idiotic Tanpura while someone else takes all the fame and all the money from you.

The oft-quoted lines explain that for years he was playing the tanpura for the ustad Rahim Khan but did not get any recognition. The attention was grabbed by the ustad and all these years Bhaiya was hidden behind him on the stage without any notice of his presence. In view of his friends he must have a life of obscurity and establish himself as a full fledged musician that will bring to him more fame and more money than the few pennies given by the ustad for playing the tanpura. These suggestions went unheared and the accompanist bridled the horses (the senses).Desais protagonists are not as weak as Marlowes who come under the influence of corrupted people like Mephistophilis .Desais accompanist knows the art of satisfaction within his limited means.(Contentment is happiness.) His friends enticed the accompanist for coming out of his ustads company and he should establish himself as an independent musician of a more worthy instrument than the tanpura but he realized the great glory of his ustads company and got spiritual wealth through this company. He remarks, When I first met my Ustad,I was a boy of fifteen-a stupid, backward boy as my father had often told me I was. At his fathers instruction he delivered the tanpura to ustad Rahim Khan. Delivering it to ustad he saw greatness in his face, the calm and wisdom and kindness of a true leader and immediately intented to deliver his whole life into his hands along with the tanpura. Later on the words Play for me uttered by the ustad made him stunned and brought changes in his life. In fact, these words were new-life giver to him as they created him, created his life, gave it form and distinction and purpose. The accompanist adds, It was the moment of my birth and he was both my father and my mother to me.

We become the victims of desires of the senses. It is controlled by the tremendous will power or by following the suggestions of the supreme bliss which Dr.Faustus felt. We get the exposure of the mind of the speaker when he thinks two ways of taking action. First he would establish his own identity by ignoring ustads company as his childhood friends suggested. Second he would be his accompanist for ever.

In Anita Desais writings the inner climate, the climate of sensibility is more compelling than the visible action. As Iyengar puts it, Her forte is the exploration of sensibility-the particulary kind of modern Indian sensibility that is ill at ease among the barbarians and the philistines, the anarchists and amoralising.3 In the present story the accompanist was persuaded by the senseless talks of his friends, Ajit and Bhola who were empty headed and leading him into it. In real sense the accompanist was not convinced with the ugly thoughts of his friends but still he was compelled to think whether he could really be a front-rank musician or a ustad himself. The lines reveal his inner conflict as I thought, Are they right? or the sarod, or the veena? And become an ustad myself ? He found himself in delimn and tries to analyse the situation. For this purpose he goes on thinking about the futility of the time he had spent with his ustad and states, Now these boys who had heard me play in the dark hall of our house have been an ustad myself, sat in the centre of the stage, played for great audiences and been applauded for my performances. Were they right? Was this true? Had I wasted my life? Then he finds the exposure of his mind after some soul-searching that he can never become ustad in his own life. This idea is revealed in these lines, Yes, anyone could play the tanpura for him, do what I do. But he did not take anyone else, he chose me. He gave me my destiny, my life, and thus, the alchemic touch of the master turned the crude and base boy into a noble and gentle accompanist who now regards him as his God on earth and feels, Does a mortal refuse God?

Our mind has various waves of thoughts which sometimes deviate us from our right path and we begin to doubt on our doings and become sad as the accompanist appears whispering, Had I wasted my life? As the feelings of repentance enter the mind of the person, he mends his short comings, his mind becomes pure and purged and then he realizes extreme love. The accompanist confesses, Only once I was shaken out my contentment, my complacency. I am ashamed to reveal it to you. It was so foolish of me . Further he holds the view:

Ours is a word formed and defined and enclosed not so much by music, however, a by a human relationship on solid ground level-the relationship of love.

The idea discussed in the above line describes the relationship between the accompanist and the ustad. The accompanist feels that their relationship is not only due to the music they played together, instead it was due to story human ties. The relationship developed due to the inspiration and guidance he received from the ustad who had framed his destiny it was further strengthened due to his love and devotion to the man he admired the most in his life.

The best ingredients of Desais style in short stories are childhood memories and the haunting feelings surging out of a romantic heart. In view of Iyengar, As we remain mesmorised by Anita Desais verbal artistry and her uncanny evocation of atmosphere ,her tale unfalteringly glides by and we force a rendition of the veil of the realm of personal experience and attain the desired finale of acceptance.4

Childhood memories are also recollected by the accompanist when his trust was shaken out due to the provoking of his childhood friends. He cried continuously. Everything appeared to be unpleasant and evil and then he recollected the past incidents of his life when he was a vagarant or a vagabond who was without hope, without aim and without destination and was passing a meaningless life. He goes back to his childhood days and reminiscences how other things were of importance to him . Music was worshipped in his family. The central hall of his house was famous for the musical instruments made by both his father and his grand father . Cordantly and discordantly sound of his music could be heared. The accompanist himself had strong likeness for music and also started learning all ragas and raginis from his father ,Mishraji at the age of four . His father, a maker of musical instruments ,tasted his knowledge with rapid persistent questioning in his unmusical grating voice and frequently grabbed his ears and pulled it during his teaching. From such lessons he felt the need to escape and managed several times a day. He was habitual of playing gulli-danda and kho and marbles with mischievous boys of his mohalla.He was fond of watching movies of Nargis and Meena Kumari who were the Queens of heaven for him. In order to fulfill his desires he never hesitated in stealing the money from his mother or father.His mouth watered for halwa and jalebis made by his mother and used to steal his brothers and sisters share for which he was beaten and cursed by the whole family. It was the life which he was leading before joining the musical band of ustad Rahim Khan at the age of fifteen.He is thirty years old now and for fifteen years he has been serving his ustad being his true accompanist.

Desais The Accompanist elaborates the beautiful relationship between Guru and Shishy and proves it more important than other relationships-mother and son, father and son, brother and sister, husband and wife etc. The accompanist has strong likeness for the sweets made by his mother instead of her. How I loved my mothers sweetmeats, too rather more. What her picture he has in his life is clear in further statement, I did the non-descript ,mumbling ,bald woman who made them.. She never came to life for me. She lived some obscure, indoor life, unhealthy and curtained, undemanding and uninviting. He considers her as a wonderful cook. His father had been a hard taskmaster who would religiously wake up him in the early hours of morning and train him in music. He wanted his son to become a musician not an instrument maker. With this view he gave him lessons in playing the Tanpura, Harmonium, Sitar and the Tabla and taught him all ragas and raginis by testing his knowledge with persistent questioning. It was the time when he was crazy for cinemas and playing marbles and had not so much likening for music. But when he was caught in a situation , he stood up to it. When his brain was washed by his friends, he began to doubt his father and recalled him by saying, My father had taught me to play all these instruments and disciplined me severely ,but he had never praised me or suggested I could become a front-rank musician. I had learnt to play instruments as the son of a carpenterBut I had practiced on these instruments and played the ragas he taught me to play without thinking of it as an art or of myself as an artist. Perhaps I was a stupid, backward boy .My father always said so. Such attitude towards his father the accompanist has .Stealing the shares of his brother and sister proves him unkindly ,irresponsible ,unsociable and naughty boy. Now he is married and has become the man of the world but has no interest in his married life while in his childhood he was crazy for the street beauties and the cinema heroines and put himself in the place of their screen lovers. He considers that he married for his mothers pleasure, I even married. That is, my mother managed to marry me off to some neighbour;s daughter of whom she was fond. The girl lived with her. I seldom visited her. I can barely remember her name, her face. Whenever he gets the chance to go home for a few days to rest, he desires of cutting short these holidays and returning to his house in the city to practice.

The love for music and ustad Rahim Khan changed everything in his life and he gave up all his childhood pleasures and pranks. All fell away from me ,all disappeared in the shadows on the other side. Ustad took the place of his mother s sweet halwa ,the cinema heroines, the street beauties ,marbles and stolen money. Ustad Rahim Khans company brought several changes in his life and gave birth to him as Bhaiya, the tanpura player. All his attractions regarding playing with the mischievous boys of mohalla and going to cinema disappeared. All his follies and stupidities or bad habits disappeared for ever .Music has taken their place and become the goal of his life.He is fully satisfied with this goal. Thus he devoted his whole life to ustad and became his true friend and accompanist because he was nothing. It was Ustad Rahim Khan who saw me, hiding awkwardly in the shadows of an empty hall with a tanpura in my hands and called me to come to him and showed me what to do with my life. I owe everything to him, my very life to him. Thus he decided to remain royal in the same position giving the ustad the base material on which he would compose his music.

The intimacy between the accompanist and his ustad could not be perceived or understood by his childhood friends and their act of provoking him against his ustad failed and cultivated in him a strong sense of commitment towards his ustad. Having the feelings of self-assured, poised and self-satisfed he hired a tonga and asked the driver to take him to his ustad, his creator. Only one thing was going in his heart.

I maintain I am his true accompanist, certainly his true friend.

The feelings of the accompanist to ustad Rahim Khan are expressed in the above line. He feels that he always plays the notes given by the ustad repeadly and he builds his music on the background provided by him. Thus he feels he is a true accompanist. Above all he never expects anything and never tries to compete in the performance with him. He never seeks the attention of the audience ,their attention is always on the ustad ,whenever his ustad suffers with the hacking cough in a concert ,he always asks the accompanist to prepare the opium to quieten it, these points make him a true friend as well.

Tha accompanist stands for pure love and selfless service. When the ustad asked him, Do you play? These words contain a sense of security and relief, love and affection which were absence in his life. As a matter of fact, love is above money, above all the material gains and achievements. About the power of love, Coleridge has rightly observed:

All thoughts ,all passions, all delights Whatever stire this mortal frame Are all but ministers of love And feed their sacred flame. 5 The accompanist keeps on showing his true love and service to the ustad without any wish for gaining anything in return. We have traveled all over India and played in every city, at every season. It is his life and mine. We share this life, this music, this following. What else can these possibly be for me in this world?

It is interesting to note that Desai has beautifully presented the inner conflicts of the accompanist and also his victory over them. In fact, she believes in dealing with the mind and the soul of a character ,his inner workings and hidden and silent thoughts rather than his outer appearances .Similiarly, The Accompanist has a fine fusion of feelings and form and proves itself a great example of Desais art and craftsmanship since her main business as a fiction writer is to expose the truth. Thus the story accentuates the importance of selfless love, devotion, dedication and gratitude in human relationship.

References: All the references of Desais The Accompanist in Games at Twilight and Other Stories, New Delhi, Allied, and London: Heinemann,1078.

1. Quote in Jasbir Jains Interview with Anita Desai on 16th November 1979,Jasbir Jain, Stairs to the Attic: The Novels of Anita Desai ( Printwell Publishers,Jaipur,1987,p.13). 2. Ibid,.p.8. 3. Srinivas Iyengar, K.R., Indian Writing In English, New Delhi, Sterling Publishers Pvt.Ltd;1985,p.464. 4. Ibid.,p.745. 5. Coleridge ,S.T., Love in Golden Treasury,op.cit,p.171.

Ameriplan Business Opportunity Work From Home

Ameriplan Business Opportunity Work From Home

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Ameriplan Business Opportunity Work From Home

The Ameriplan home based business opportunity is dedicated to good, decent, hard-working Americans who are searching for a TRUE legitimate work from home business opportunity.

With the Ameriplan home business opportunity you can prevent feeling overwhelmed by the relentless stress of juggling your home, work, and family demands. Now, you can make your own schedule and truly be your own boss. When you're your own boss, you punch your own ticket and make the rules to a custom-made lifestyle.

With the Ameriplan home business opportunity, you have the ability to generate considerable amounts of income, and make the most of your free time. Especially since September of 09 when Ameriplan introduced the AP Flex Plus program.

The Ameriplan AP Flex Plus program was the first 90% binary payout introduced to the MLM industry. When you establish your home based business opportunity with Ameirplan and join in the Ap Flex Plus program, you obtain every benefit program within Ameriplan's system as well as saving money at over 100,000 retailers and on bills THAT YOU ARE ALREADY PAYING!!

Now let's face it, the cost of standard living expenses have significantly increased over the years. Most individuals have grown accustomed to selected lifestyles and spending patterns. This is why most American households must now have two or more incomes to carry their family.

Extra income, along with saving money from an Ameriplan home based business and the AP Flex Plus program can help increase savings and allow you the opportunity to make that extra leverage not included in your regular budget. With the extra income that the Ameriplan home based business opportunity can provide, you can save more and pay bills off faster.

So how is the Ameriplan business opportunity different from other work from home opportunities? Ameriplan has something for practically every household. The Ameriplan Dental Plus program alone targets 70% of the American population as most are uninsured or under-insured.

Most of the home based business or work at home business opportunities that are available pay once a month, so you have to wait to get paid. With the Ameriplan IBO home based business and the AP Flex Plus program you have the ability to get paid daily, weekly, monthly, of course your residual income and also weekly cycle bonuses. No waiting to get paid.

AmeriPlan has identified a HIGH DEMAND NICHE in the billion-dollar health benefits industry, with practically no competition! The Ameriplan Dental Plus program was reported by Morley Safer on 60 Minutes as the best dental plan in America. This is why literally thousands of Americans are able to quit their jobs after starting their own Ameriplan IBO home based business opportunity.

Without any national advertising, Ameriplan has grown from zero to virtually 100 Million Dollars a year in sales and has produced millionaires from all types of backgrounds.

Now to my next point. Knowing all this, how can you make the Ameriplan business opportunity a TRUE work from home business? You see, when you join with most Ameriplan IBO's, (independent business owners) they are going to tell you to start with your warm market, (make a list of friends and family), start holding meetings, posting flyers, start cold calling and using the "3 foot rule". These "old school" strategies are outdated and work for very few.

It is now crucial to know how to leverage the internet in order to have a true WORK FROM HOME business and key to being truly successful. This is where I come in. I have partnered up with some of the top producers and 7 figure earners in the MLM/network marketing industry that has taught me the most powerful marketing strategies and techniques on the planet that can explode ANY home based business opportunity and accomplish a 5 figure income every month on a consistant basis.

When you discover how to drive targeted traffic to your websites with individuals that are already searching for what you have to offer them with your Ameriplan home based business opportunity, that is when you will find the results that you want and DESERVE in your work from home business.

There's no chasing folks around trying to "convince" them to join you in Ameriplan. You become the hunted and not the hunter. Master marketing, and then begin to recruit and train your down line to get the duplication that is imperative and the most successful way to expand and construct your Ameriplan home business.

When you are using the "old school" methods that I spoke of before, what inevitably happens to the vast majority of new Ameriplan home based business owners is they ultimately give up because they were never shown the right way to market their Ameriplan business opportunity to others and do not receive the marketing training that is very important to gaining the true financial freedom that WE ALL DESERVE in this magnificent business.

If you don't enjoy and love the marketing of your Ameriplan business, you will give up and so will they. In order to love the marketing, you have to learn attraction marketing which is basically having folks come to you and chase you down because they are hungry for more information.

If you are the one chasing down new "prospects and leads", there's a good chance you won't enjoy your Ameriplan business opportunity. They are not true prospects and leads. Your true prospects and leads are the people already looking for what you have to offer with Ameriplan.

By far the top tactic to market this home based business opportunity is through the internet. You want to make sure you're getting training that teaches you how to use online marketing methods to produce 20-100 fresh leads for your business every day. If you are not generating leads every day on a consistent basis, your work from home business is slowly dying. Not just with Ameriplan but with any primary home based business opportunity.

If you can be trained how to do this, you'll do exceptionally well in your Ameriplan business opportunity. It all boils down to marketing training. If you want to learn how to market online using web 2.0 technology, then the Ameriplan business opportunity can be very productive.

Selasa, 27 Maret 2018

Amazing Home Remedies For Constipation

Amazing Home Remedies For Constipation

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Amazing Home Remedies For Constipation

Are you facing constipation?

Don't worry you are at right place. In this article, we will help you out how to deal with it. Constipation is one of the most common problems, not only men but women also suffer.

Its not something people like to discuss, but constipation, when it carries on for too long can be incredibly uncomfortable and in some cases even debilitating. Fortunately, there are a number of quick constipation home remedies that can alleviate these symptoms of the side effects that medication would cause.

Its not something people like to discuss constipation when it carries on for too long can be incredibly uncomfortable and in some cases even debilitating. Fortunately, there are some quick constipation home remedies that can ease these symptoms without the side effects that medication would cause.

There are some situations in which laxatives are absolutely necessary, but if they occur, make sure you only use natural psyllium-based laxatives without any chemicals. These are less damaging to your intestines and not nearly as habit forming. Here are some natural home remedies for constipation as it happens. The best home remedies for constipation are those that stop it from happening altogether. Here is a handful of simple preventative measures you can take to keep your bowels moving healthy.

Honey And Molasses

 A couple of tablespoons of honey and molasses will help to loosen your bowels as both are mild laxatives without any negative side effects. Keep in mind, that both have quite a few calories in sugar so dont make it a regular habit.

Coffee or Tea

Coffee and some kinds of tea contain a bitter chemical that acts as a natural stimulant to the lower digestive system. four-ounce cup of coffee can alleviate mild constipation.


Moving around stimulates the muscles and nerves in your body, including your lower digestive track. Go for a walk, bike ride or run if youre experiencing mild constipation.

Drink Plenty of Water

 If you are dehydrated, constipation will persist in most cases. Drink your daily quota of eight cups of water per day to moisten the intestines and keep your bowels moving.

Check Your Medicine Cabinet

Some medications cause constipation. Check your medicine cabinet for side effects that might cause your symptoms. If you find anything, talk to your doctor about possible alternatives.

Eat Your Grains 

Grains contain a number of nutrients that are good for digestion. Specifically, look for whole grains rich in fiber and try to start your day with them. About 6 ounces of high fiber grains a day can do wonders for your digestion.

Fruits and Vegetables

Both fruits and vegetables are rich in insoluble fiber, but make sure you get the good parts. For example, orange juice has only 3% of the fiber of an orange because the good stuff is in the pulp. Other good foods include apples, bananas, raisins, and rhubarb.


Beans are another common source of fiber and are incredibly rich in nutrients as well as protein. These should be part of your diet regardless of your digestive health.

Keep a Daily Routine

A daily routine in which you use the bathroom at the same time each day will train your body for regular, predictable bowel movements.

Guava For Constipation

Guava is the richest source of dietary fiber. Seeds work as a laxative. You should eat guava whole with the seeds because these two properties are healthy for your bowel moments.

Final Words

If you take action early and then work to include preventative measures in your diet, you can avoid the effects of constipation in your life. Find the home remedies for constipation that will work for you.

Amateur Boxing Training A Balance Of Food And Fitness

Amateur Boxing Training A Balance Of Food And Fitness

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Amateur Boxing Training A Balance Of Food And Fitness

A young man or woman can train for boxing at an early age of twelve. If he or she wishes to become the next greatest boxing fighter in the world, they need to undergo a proper amateur boxing training to prevent possible injuries, learn proper stances, offense and defense, understand boxing conducts, master the boxing techniques and follow a balanced and healthy diet.

Fitness and Training Styles For Competition

Boxing is one of the most physically demanding competitive sports available for both men and women. For beginners, amateur boxing training can help young men build stronger legs, arms and bodies that are fit for a world-boxing champion. Not only could the techniques of amateur boxing training serve as a fun way of losing weight or getting fit, these fitness techniques also build confidence, improve focus and develop discipline.

One of the most basic amateur boxing training is skipping. This exercise is the most traditional and effective way of building endurance and improving footwork. Skipping regularly can help in making your movements feel lighter. Trainers usually make their students perform skipping as a warm-up exercise and a cool-down after a session.

Shadowboxing is a technique used by trainers to teach amateurs about the basic skills of boxing. Usually performed in front of a mirror, shadowboxing helps beginners focus on their defense skills, spotting weak areas and correcting styles that could improve ones instinctive skill.

The two most common equipments in gyms that offer amateur boxing training is the speedball and bag work. Speedballs help in developing a boxers shoulder muscles, improving timing and rhythm, increasing endurance and boosting ones accuracy for hitting an opponent. Speedballs are the best tool to improve hand-eye coordination.

Bag work, on the other hand, helps in developing the boxers punches. It is a great equipment of learning proper punches, improving balance, distance, timing, footwork and speed. When a boxer has mastered all these elements and synchronized each part of the body, he or she can work out powerful punches.

If you need to work on your fighting reflexes, hitting, timing and other technical skills of boxing, the focus pads can be a great addition to your amateur boxing training. When used properly, these focus pads can work similarly to the benefits of sparring.

However, nothing can beat the importance of sparring in the world of boxing. This training sessions can help both boxers evaluate their strength, learn their mistakes, perform all the things they have learned from hitting, punching, balancing and other skills. The goal of sparring is to help one another improve offensive and defensive techniques, instead of winning the match.

Food, Diet and Nutrition

Although every exercise and session you perform with an amateur boxing training can help improve your fighting skills, everything youve worked hard for can become useless if you dont have proper nutrition and a balanced diet.

Airline Travel - Understanding Bereavement Fares

Airline Travel - Understanding Bereavement Fares

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Airline Travel - Understanding Bereavement Fares

The death of a loved one is a very difficult time. Dealing with all the details of final arrangements on top of dealing with travel details can be quite a challenge. Airline companies across the world realize that tedious travel details are the last thing that you want to deal with when a family member has died. They also understand that finances may be tight when dealing with final preparations. This is why many airlines have established bereavement fares.

Death can be very unexpected when it comes to our family members. The death of a loved one can cause many unexpected expenses. Getting to the location of where the other family members are and preparing for the final arrangements may prove to be a high and unnecessary expense. Airline companies try to make your travel when dealing with a death of a loved one an easy, affordable transaction. Airline companies usually offer bereavement fares to people who are traveling due to the death of a family member.

Bereavement fares are considerably less than standard fares. People flying with certain airlines may experience discounts of up to 80% off due to the fact that they are traveling due to a death in the family. There are usually special sales representatives that are thoughtful and compassionate who will help walk you through purchasing your tickets and providing the best-discounted airline fare possible. These sales representatives are specially trained to take the burden off you and ensure your satisfaction.

If you are traveling due to a death in the family, it is important that you call the airline and speak to a sales representative directly. They will inform you of the polices and various procedures that they have in place that entail bereavement fares. There are many different ways that airlines offer their services to living relatives experiencing a death in the family. Many airline companies will allow a passenger bereavement fare for only certain members of the family. For example, you may be permitted to receive bereavement fare if your parents and/or grandparents pass away, but it may not be offered if the family member is a cousin, aunt, or uncle. It all depends on the airline that you are dealing with and what types of policies that they have in place for family member specification.

If you are trying to sign up for bereavement fare and your needs meet the expectations as set forth in the airlines policies and various procedures, you may be asked to submit vital information pertaining to the death of the loved one. Some of the information that may be asked of you is the proof of death, possibly a copy of the death certificate, your identification, the hospital, and name of the doctor that dealt with the death of the loved one, and your relation to the deceased.

It is important to understand that most airlines are hesitant to offer bereavement fares that are international. If you require these types of arrangements, it may be in your best interest to pursue them through a specialized travel agent.

Senin, 26 Maret 2018

Air Train Horns

Air Train Horns

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Air Train Horns

Adding truck train horns are the loudest changes that you can do for your truck. Rogo is powered by air that comes from the compressor and stored in air tank. When the horns, compressed air release valve, which will lead to a strong signal to be heard. Although they are used in emergency vehicles and trains to warn passers-ground of imminent danger, they can now be used as an accessory for your car. Currently, the horns can be installed in any car, because the horns were the size and rebuilt into a fit in any car brand.

Train horn type speaker and is powered by compressed air. The air horn gets its supply of air from the tank. Many of compressed air required to power the Horn so good train horns trucks must have at least a 20gallon tank for their normal functioning and effective. Trucks and SUV owners are currently the market niche for train horns. Most of them hide the horns, so they do not attract too much attention to itself, but there are those who thrive in the attention.

For ease of installation, choose to buy a reduced version of the truck train horns. The train's horn, which cut can come in one or two models of horns. The owner of the machine may need to mount a Ford truck or truck bed for testing various purposes, demonstration as well as various configurations.

Before you go to buy you a truck train horns installed in a private car, check your local regulations to make sure that it is allowed. If it is the lawful owner of Train Horn, then you can consider the dB levels of the Horn and the size of the horn, which will meet your best truck. Normal train horns produce about 170dB of sound.

If the train horns are used in normal traffic, it can lead to confusion and even accidents. Thus, the use of truck horns, your train properly and stay away from the quiet zone to avoid prosecution. Crying chrome appearance of the train horns will add a flashy addition to the truck.

Rogov Truck trains Cool addition to your car. They will provide you more attention than you can handle. Collection of train horns has become a hobby and there are many online communities that meet and exchange ideas and to buy or sell these horns with each other. If you purchase a train horn then you should be prepared to use it responsibly and do not forget the other people around you.

Air Horn and Train Horn

Air Horn and Train Horn

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Air Horn and Train Horn

Everybody wants to decorate their cars with different accessories. Some of these products may be simply decorative, while others may serve more important functions. There is no shortage of car accessories on the market today. One of the most important accessories is car alarm system or a car horn. It serves a very useful purpose in that it creates a noise when they are used. It can be used as a warning signal to the safety car. It is primarily used as a warning signal for pedestrians and other vehicles on the road, so that accidents should be avoided.

We can install these horns in our cars, if we want to add security. There are many types of car alarms available on the market, and we can choose the one that meets our requirements to the hilt. All that we need to look at those horns in the purchase is that they must loudly and clearly that can warn passers-by in front of our vehicle. The whole point of the air horn gets defeated if it's not entirely clear. His sound has to go to the appropriate distance in order to effectively warn people. If the sound comes from a great distance, it ends all chances of an accident.

The importance of antlers has increased significantly, as the roads are becoming more and more crowded, due to the large population and transport boom. There are more cars on the roads and the road is much busier than ever before. Population growth has led to less space on the roads of our country. This fact makes the presence of horns is almost a necessity. You can also install a train horn, which is very useful for providing signals to slow down drivers who run in front of the car. You can make a loud signal that the car in another lane. But to have a real effect, always buy the horns from the well-known manufacturers of accessories automatically. If you buy cheap horns, he will not serve any purpose because its sound is loud and quite effective.

Currently, you can get a car horn from different organs, different prices and types. You'll be surprised to see that loud air horns are available at very low prices, and you can get the real value of money by buying these horns. Currently, these horns are designed with all types of vehicles, and you can place them at many positions in the car, both in the front bumper, a bumper or the side of the engine.

After the Breakup The Dos and Don'ts of Dealing with Your Ex

After the Breakup The Dos and Don'ts of Dealing with Your Ex

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After the Breakup The Dos and Don'ts of Dealing with Your Ex

Everyone knows breaking up is hard to do. But staying in contact with your ex following a breakup? That's where things get really tricky. By remaining in each other's lives, you run the risk of a post-breakup rendezvous, holding onto feelings for your ex, and in general delaying your ability to heal and move on quickly (and without additional heartache). The following are some tips to help you avoid a post-breakup backslide into your exs arms, and instead ease you into your happily ever after future:

Tip #1: Create new boundaries
Your best defense after a breakup? Immediately create new boundaries with your ex. That means no phone calls, no emails, no texting, and definitely no late night booty calls. Your ex is now your ex. That means it's time to ex-tricate him from your life. If you can't completely cut off contact because you have children together, run a business together, or work together? Your recovery is a little bit more challenging. But it's not impossible. You just have to create special new boundaries, only dealing with and talking to your ex when absolutely necessary about your common interests, i.e. the children, business, work. If your ex wants to know how you're handling the breakup? Shut him down. If he's curious if you're dating again? Tell him it's none of his business. The same is true for you. Don't pry into your ex's post-breakup recovery. Just as you deserve to heal and move on, so does your ex. Give him the space and time to do so.

Tip #2: Avoid being one another's shoulder to cry on
You loved, you lost, you're now in mourning. A word of warning when you're in post-breakup mourning: DO NOT seek comfort in the arms of your ex. That's a huge recovery no-no! Instead, recruit a support system from your inner circle of friends, preferably friends who have your best interests at heart and won't report back to your ex on your progress and setbacks. This is actually one of the single most important steps you can follow during your breakup recovery. To heal and move on, you're going to need help. That help should NOT come in the form of your ex. The same is true for you. If your ex calls, emails, texts, or stops by seeking comfort for his broken heart? Don't open your arms. Instead, kindly but firmly let him know that you are no longer his go-to support system. Then shut the door on any and all opportunities to help each other heal following the breakup.

Tip #3: No online ex bashing
After a breakup, it's only natural to feel some residual anger, resentment, bitterness, etc. And in the era of social networking sites and YouTube, it's all too easy to go online and spew in front of millions of readers/viewers. Don't do it! By going online and bashing your ex on your blog, via video diary, or to everyone in your social network, you are inviting bad breakup karma into your life. And you know what they say -- what comes around goes around. When it comes around? Ouch!

Tip #4: Handle the dreaded run-in with class
While it would be fabulous if your ex could be automatically ejected from the planet following the breakup, that technology has yet to be invented. And depending on the size of the city you live in, a post-breakup run-in with your ex is not only possible, it's probable. Rather than become a shut-in out of fear of your ex encounter, embrace the possibility and plan for it. First, imagine the absolute worst case scenario: You haven't showered in days, your clothes are wrinkled and smelly, your hair is a mess, and you happen to run into your ex on a date with the most gorgeous girl you've ever seen. In fact, they're engaged, as evidenced by the huge shiny rock on her left hand. Can you see it in your mind? Pretty painful, right? Chances are, that's not going to happen. In fact, your ex encounter will probably be a lot less dramatic than this scenario. However, the pain may still be there. In bumping into your ex, you may be reminded of what you loved about him. It may even reignite those familiar feelings of love, lust, or just plain loneliness. Do not use the run in as an excuse to reconnect. What's done is done. Your ex is now your ex. Bumping into him does not mean that the two of you are meant to be together. Instead, summon that inner strength, smile politely, and extricate yourself from the situation as soon as is possible without being rude.

Tip #5: Follow the six month rule
After a breakup, the best rule of thumb is to avoid all contact with your ex for at least six months. Think about what you can do in six months -- train for a marathon, plan and take a well-deserved vacation, buy property, change jobs, heal and move on after a breakup. In giving yourself a six month cushion, you greatly increase your chances of getting over your ex. In the throes of post-breakup angst, you may not like the sound of that. Like it or not, it's what's best for you. Rather than fight what you know is right for you, give yourself permission to put the six month rule into practice.

So there you have it, five tips for handling contact with your ex following the breakup. If you adhere to these guidelines, your post-breakup recovery will be that much easier. In letting go of your ex, you give yourself permission to heal, move on, and eventually find your very own happily ever after. Good luck and happy healing!

Minggu, 25 Maret 2018

African Grey Parrots And Stress

African Grey Parrots And Stress

Image source:

African Grey Parrots And Stress

The grey parrots may have many behavioral problems and most of them are caused by the human's lack of understanding that it is first of all a prey bird and has little to do with a life in captivity. Many people fail to understand that and won't allow that bird to manifest like a bird.

The grey parrots are exotic birds and come from strange lands. As strange as we find those lands, the same is for the parrots. They are not accustomed with the habits, the language or any other form of communication. A person should accept the parrot because the parrot also tries to understand the human behavior and tries to understand and live in peace with the human being.

Grey parrots caught in the wild are not aggressive when they are in a pair or breeding. They feel fear, which is justified, when they feel the presence of a human being, but they don't have violent reactions. Usually, they share food, they play and they interact in a non - violent manner. Strangely, the grey parrots who act more violently while breeding or in pairs are the domestic ones.

The domestic grey parrots have a few reasons to become aggressive:

* They loose the respect and consideration for themselves when they are in captivity.

* They loose the desire to live safe.

* They are affected by human aggression because avian species knows that pain or aggression mean death. Those animals are not used to touches, pokes, pushes, chasing, shaking or striking. Those actions are frightening and dangerous for the parrots.

* Their self confidence, their trust and their comfort are shattered if they are intimidated. Standing over them, or staring at them may have a strong impact on the birds.

* A grey parrot will never trust a person who tries to dominate him or control small aspects of the nature.

* Just as any human being, a grey parrot won't trust a person who uses sensory deprivation as a mean of punishment for misbehavior.

A comparison between a wild animal and a domestic one would fail from the beginning in every way especially when it comes to birds, which are usually predators. Genetic inheritance eradication would require thousands of generations of selective breeding to obtain a domestic bird like a grey parrot and it is not always possible.

A bird that becomes stressed will start self mutilating or biting or will develop phobias. There are many factors that could induce stress to a bird. When it comes to grey parrots, a person should know what actions stress the bird and try to avoid them in order to keep the trust of the pet.

The grey parrots are intelligent and sensitive birds and they have the tendency to find in the human caregiver the qualities of a teacher, parental figure and mentor. They get attached to their caregiver and expect to be treated with respect and compassion. This is a method that works as well for birds as it does for humans or dogs.

Adaptogens and the Working Dog on performance, injury, and career longevity

Adaptogens and the Working Dog on performance, injury, and career longevity

Image source:

Adaptogens and the Working Dog on performance, injury, and career longevity

[This article is the first of two papers on adaptogenic herbs in dogs. The second is on senior dogs. Enjoy!]

I love dogs. I especially love working dogs, for the enthusiasm they bring to their work, for their generous spirits, and for the pride they take in doing a good job. So, I love working with working dogs and helping them cope better with the inevitable stresses of their jobs.


Stress is an inescapable part of being alive. But while the word stress has an almost universally negative connotation in our culture, stress is not always a bad thing. In fact, our bodies need a certain amount of repeated stimulation in order to maintain our capacity to respond to whatever life brings, and to increase our capacity for work and our resistance to injury and illness.

The trouble comes when we are repeatedly operating at or near our limits, whether physically or psychologically, and often both. As long as we remain below our current limits, then damage is minimal and adaptation is possible, even inevitable with the right input. However, when we are operating in the 90+ percent range of our capacity, as many working dogs are, it is very easy to step over that invisible line and exceed our capacity. Injury or illness occurs, either a little at a time or in one catastrophic failure, when the structural or functional limits of the body are exceeded. The same could be said of the mind and its mental and emotional limits. There is some elasticity; but when overstretched, the elastic breaks.

Physically, and probably psychologically as well, training is most effective when we are operating in our 90+ percent range, but below 100 percent (the point beyond which damage can occur). The common notion that it is good to give 110 percent (or 150 percent or 1000 percent or some other mathematical absurdity) needs to be dropped from our thinking. Giving 110 percent means youre putting yourself in debt to the tune of 10 percent each time. That is not a good thing; it is neither honorable nor smart, as the resulting damage tends to be cumulative.

Along the same lines, no pain, no gain also needs to go the way of the Dodo. It is simply untrue, and a harmful fallacy at that. An athlete does not gain in work capacity (strength/speed or stamina) because he exceeded his limits and made himself hurt; he gained in capacity despite it and prolonged his recovery time in the process. Not smart!

The trick, of course, is to know where the limit is before one exceeds it, and to train effectively at a level just below maximum, which changes as training advances. That is difficult for a human athlete. It is even more difficult when training a body other than your own, especially an animal. It takes great care to develop a dogs physical and psychological capacity while avoiding breakdown and burnout.


One researcher proposed two different categories for the various stresses we experience:

eustress for stress that is simply challenging and ultimately stimulating to the system (eu- being the Greek word element meaning normal, good, well, or easy)

distress for stress that is of sufficient intensity or duration that it overwhelms and ultimately damages the system

Although these terms havent really caught on, that simple distinction is important. We dont want to do away with stress altogether. Our capacity is not maintained without some regular stimulation (the basis of use it or lose it); and our capacity is not increased without some extra stimulation. We simply want to better manage the various stresses of life and work, and better manage our responses to them. Thats where adaptogens can be very helpful to the working dog: by shifting the line between eustress and distress over to the right, so less of what is encountered distresses the system and causes damage.

Ill mostly be talking about canine athletes here, but the same principles apply to working farm dogs, search-and-rescue dogs, other types of service dogs, and in fact any dog with a physically or psychologically demanding job. The service dogs rate a particular mention here because their exposure to stress may not be as obvious as for the athletes. Whether a dog is working security or helping someone in a wheelchair, the mental and emotional demands of these jobs can be considerable, as can the hours, and research has shown that psychological stress has the same effects on the body as physical stress. Fortunately, the adaptogens can be a great help here, too.


Adaptogen is the term used for a substance that helps the body adapt to various stresses, both physical and psychological. A state of nonspecific resistance is one of the concepts often discussed in reference to adaptogens. For the most part, adaptogen is used to describe a particular group of herbs that confer these qualities on a body. With the help of these herbs, the body is more resistant to whatever comes at it that might cause it harm.

Some of these herbs youll have heard of already, such as Siberian ginseng (or eleuthero) and the various Asian and American ginsengs. Others include rhodiola, schizandra, aralia, and rhaponticum. These are the most studied adaptogens, but there are several others (see Table 1).

One thing most of the adaptogenic herbs have in common is that the plants are indigenous to rather inhospitable or very changeable climates (e.g. Siberia, Manchuria, the Himalayas). Theres a clue to their usefulness in helping us cope with inhospitable circumstances. The various substances we find of nutritional or medicinal benefit in a plant are, for the most part, designed for the plants own use. In this instance, were using a part of the plants coping strategy for dealing with its own stresses (i.e. various bioactive molecules in its roots, stems, fruit, etc.) to help us cope better with our stresses. There is a remarkable degree of overlap between plant and animal systems in the actions of various biochemicals. With many, including adaptogenic herbs/substances, the translation is simple and direct. We are able to make good use of their stress management substances to help our own systems cope in the short-term and adapt in the long-term.

Table 2 lists some of the properties that are shared by most, if not all, of the adaptogens, and Table 3 lists some other properties that are more-or-less unique to the individual herbs. Although the adaptogens each have their own signature properties, a feature they all share is the ability to help normalize the various functions of a disordered system. Regardless of the type and direction of disorder (whether under- or over-activity), the adaptogens help the body return to a state of equilibrium, to the normal functions and responses of a healthy system. In other words, they help restore the bodys ability to autoregulate.

By the way, that is where much of the skepticism about these herbs arises, as the list of specific actions, and thus potential medicinal benefits, for any of these herbs is long. Ill have more to say about that in a separate article on adaptogens and the senior dog. Theres lots to talk about with respect to beneficial effects on the immune system, the cardiovascular system, the digestive system, the central nervous system, and the endocrine system. Of course, all of these systems are involved in exercise or in keeping the athlete healthy, but in this article I want to focus on the issues of primary concern in the working dog: performance, injury, and career longevity.

As Table 3 shows, some of the adaptogens have primary properties that are of particular value to us for specific situations (e.g. schizandra for alertness or better vision in poor light; rhaponticum for its anabolic properties), but the adaptogens all facilitate a return to normal function. And most, if not all, of these herbs also improve endurance, work capacity under stress, and recovery after strenuous activity, all of which are helpful for the working dog.

The research on these herbs is extensive and intricate, but most of the studies have involved humans and lab animals, so weve had to extrapolate for horses, dogs, and other domestic animals. Even so, adaptogens are among the most studied medicinal herbs. Both their safety and the various therapeutic and performance-enhancing claims have been put to the test using rigorous scientific methods. Furthermore, these herbs have a long and proven track record in human athletes and workers (a good deal of the research was done on people in stressful jobs), so lets take a look at where adaptogens might be of use to the working dog.


The various properties and potential of the adaptogens for the working dog can be summarized as follows:

better performance, both now and over time
greater enjoyment of work and play
fewer injuries and illnesses, and faster recovery from injury or illness
longer career (i.e. later retirement)

In other words, a healthier, happier working dog. Let me emphasize, though, that there is no substitute for good training and considerate care. Adaptogens are not a shortcut to better performance, and unlike stimulants and anabolic steroids, they will not enhance a dogs performance beyond his or her natural ability. All the adaptogens can do with respect to performance is help the dog do his or her natural best under the conditions of stress inherent to the job and its associated circumstances (e.g. traveling, working and sleeping in unfamiliar surroundings, excessive heat or cold, loud noises, poor air quality).

It must also be said that the findings pertaining to exercise capacity in humans and lab animals have been conflicting, with some studies showing significant performance benefits and others showing no effect. Performance benefits are most consistently seen in untrained or inadequately prepared individuals and in older people/animals (e.g. human athletes over 40). When benefits are seen in fit, young, well-prepared athletes, it has typically been when the athlete is tired. Thats because the adaptogens can delay the onset of fatigue, allowing the athlete to perform for longer before tiring.

In fact, thats one of the primary ways adaptogens can decrease the risk for injury. Most sports injuries occur when the athlete is tired; specifically, when muscle fatigue sets in. When we begin to tire, our foot placement and balance begin to deteriorate, as does our concentration, so were more likely to take a misstep that can cause tissue damage. The adaptogens further help here by improving mental (and with some, visual) acuity, so the athlete is more focused and can concentrate better on the task, even when tired. Here again, the adaptogens appear to be of limited benefit when the athlete is well rested and on the ball; they are of greatest benefit when the athlete is tired or otherwise stressed.

Another way adaptogens help with injury prevention and recovery is by stimulating the synthesis, metabolism, and repair of proteins within cells. Adaptogens switch on various cell functions which help maintain a healthy lean muscle mass and quickly repair cells and tissues when damage occurs. Athletes performing in strenuous sports are training and competing close to their bodys limits, frequently stepping over that invisible line for a short time. Microtrauma (microscopic tissue damage) is common and cumulative in these athletes. By improving the rate of protein synthesis and tissue repair, adaptogens can reduce the potential for microtrauma to escalate into an injury which sidelines the athlete for weeks or months, or for life.

This, too, is how adaptogens can extend a working dogs career. Whether retirement is forced by injury, illness, loss of performance, or loss of enjoyment, the proper use of adaptogenstogether with a healthy diet, a good training program, and all of the other bits & pieces that go into keeping a working dog healthy and happycan postpone the day when retirement becomes necessary.


Many different plants contain bioactive substances that could be considered to have adaptogenic potential in an animal. These substances are part of the plants stress management system, and every plant has some sort of defend/repair/adapt system. It just so happens that some of these plant substances can benefit the animals stress management system as well. For working dogs, coping with a wide range of physical and psychological stressors, a combination of adaptogens makes sense to me. I do sometimes use adaptogenic herbs singly, but typically I combine two or more for a broader range of benefit. While the core actions are common to almost all adaptogens, some herbs are more helpful than others for particular situations (see Table 3).

Most of these herbs can be found singly or in various combinations in human health food stores, natural grocery stores, and some fitness centers. My preference, though, is to use a product that has been specifically prepared for animal use: in species-appropriate formulations and concentrations, with species-specific dosing instructions, and with veterinary input. There are now a number of good adaptogenic products on the market for animals. One of my favorites is APF Pro by Auburn Labs ( APF was originally formulated by an equine veterinarian for use in horses. It was intended primarily for equine athletes, but as time went on we veterinarians also found it helpful in the management of various medical conditions. The company now has a canine version of APF Pro labeled specifically for dogs.

I particularly like that APF is a liquid and is easy to dose (the dropper is well marked). I also appreciate that this company is committed to quality control and to veterinary research. Im guessing that theyll be among the first to publish studies on adaptogens in pet and performance dogs. Until that time, the studies in human athletes and people in stressful jobs give us a good foundation for using these herbs in working dogs.


How much depends on the product youre using. Id suggest that, unless youre very familiar with these herbs, you follow the label directions or your veterinarians advice. If buying these herbs as products formulated and labeled for humans, its usually OK to scale down the dosage for dogs according to body weight. Most human supplements that do not give separate dosages for men and women are formulated on the premise that the typical human weighs 150 lbs. So, if giving that product to a 50-lb dog, for example, youd aim for about 1/3 the recommended label dosage, unless your veterinarian directs you otherwise. Fortunately, all of the adaptogens studied thus far have nice, wide safety margins, so if you accidentally give that 50-lb dog an entire human-size dose, the dog is unlikely to come to any harm.

As for how often, I usually recommend giving the product once a day, in food, although when dealing with serious illness or stress Ill often recommend being extra generous with the dosage and giving it twice a day. In some of the research using mice or rats, the herb was effective even when it was dosed in the animals drinking water. None of these herbs taste great, so I was encouraged to learn that doctoring the drinking water is a palatable option. I have yet to try that with my patients, but I do sometimes take APF myself in a cup of tea and manage to get it down alright. (It really isnt all that bad.)

As for how long, another cool thing about the adaptogens is that an effect may be seen with just one dose, particularly with rhodiola and schizandra. Thats been well documented in both human and animal studies. One might argue that there was a placebo effect at play in the human studies. Possibly; but in the better studies, the design of the study accounted for that, and still there was a genuine, positive effect after just one dose. The placebo effect was not present in the animal studies, as the outcomes tested were all measurable things (e.g. time taken to complete a novel maze). So, taking adaptogens only occasionally, such as right before or even during a physically or psychologically demanding event, can still be of benefit.

Of course, true adaptationgreater general resistance to stress, rather than simply coping better with a current stresstakes longer and takes repeated dosing, in the order of 24 weeks. Beyond that point I find that I can often lower the dosage for maintenance in a healthy athlete, and go up and down in dosage according to the level of stress. For example, we might end up with a home dosage that is about half of the travel or show dosage. That seems to result in the best balance of economy and efficacy in my practice.

Well, thats about it for now. I hope Ive inspired you to start playing with this wonderful group of herbs in your working dog. Next time, adaptogens and the senior dog.

TABLE 1: Some of the better known adaptogenic herbs

Botanical name / Common name / "[pronunciation]"

Aralia mandschurica or A. elata / aralia / ah-rah-lia
Eleutherococcus senticosus / Siberian ginseng,* eleuthero / el-oo-the-ro
Panax ginseng / Chinese, Korean, or just Asian ginseng
Panax quinquefolium / American ginseng
Rhaponticum (or Leuzea) carthamoides / rhaponticum, maral root / rap-on-tic-um
Rhodiola rosea or R. crenulata / rhodiola, rose root, arctic rose / ro-dee-ola
Schisandra chinensis / schizandra / sha-zan-dra
Withania somnifera / ashwagandha / ash-wa-gan-da

* Siberian ginseng is not a true ginseng (i.e. a plant from the Panax genus), but it shares several properties with the true ginsengs, hence its common name.
Several of the medicinal mushrooms also have some adaptogenic properties. They include cordyceps, reishi, maitake, and shiitake.

TABLE 2: Properties common to most adaptogens that may be especially useful for the working dog.


better endurance, delayed onset of fatigue
better work capacity when tired or stressed
improves the effectiveness of training, whether training for strength/speed or stamina
faster recovery from strenuous exercise
improves resistance to physical stressors (e.g. heat, cold, low oxygen, harmful chemicals, radiation)
faster rate of tissue repair following injury
improves immune function when stressed, which improves resistance to, and recovery from, illness
antioxidant; helps protect against oxidative damage, which can be considerable with strenuous exercise
improves cardiovascular function and oxygen transport mechanisms (counters anemia, improves oxygenation, maintains healthy blood flow)
improves blood glucose regulation and facilitates the movement of glucose into muscle cells
facilitates healthy carbohydrate, fat, and protein metabolism for optimal energy production and maintenance of lean muscle mass with training


better resistance to mental/emotional fatigue
better focus and accuracy when tired or stressed
better learning and memory, particularly when tired or stressed
calming in those prone to anxiety, nervousness, irritability, or aggression
antidepressant in those prone to depression
improves enjoyment of work
improves quality of life and general sense of well-being


TABLE 3: Some specific properties of five adaptogens. (These herbs have many more documented properties; below are just those of particular relevance in working dogs.)

Aralia mandschurica, A. elata:

helps protect the stomach lining from ulceration and heal existing ulcers (as effective as cimetidine [Tagamet] in one study); also helps protect the small and large intestine
enhances intestinal absorption of large molecules such as chondroitin

Eleutherococcus senticosus:

may improve fat metabolism, sparing glycogen stores in working muscle and thus improving physical endurance
may increase the numbers of mitochondria (tiny intracellular organs of energy production) in muscle cells, thus helping to increase exercise capacity

Panax ginseng, P. quinquefolium:

enhances blood flow to the brain
improves libido and reproductive performance (may be useful in performance dogs who are also used for breeding)

Rhaponticum carthamoides:

enhances the synthesis of protein, RNA, and DNA, so helps build and maintain lean muscle mass (Note: it is anabolic in effect, but it is not an anabolic steroid and has no masculinizing effects on the body or behavior)
improves fertility in reproductive disorders
improves resistance to insect infestation (insect repellent and feeding deterrent)

Rhodiola rosea:

helps balance mental functions for improved mood, calm yet focused attention, and better sleep
reduces stress-induced elevations in blood cortisol and helps counter adrenal exhaustion
more useful than most other adaptogens for acute stress; a single dose helps protect against stress-induced disruptions in function and performance
useful tonic for chronic fatigue and during convalescence
helps protect against high-altitude sickness

Schisandra chinensis:

stimulates the central nervous system, so enhances mental acuity when tired (dont take this one just before bedtime!)
improves night vision and other visual impairment
reduces stress-induced elevations in blood cortisol and changes in the digestive system, adrenal gland, thymus, and body weight
helps normalize stomach acid production and protect against stomach ulcers
has anti-inflammatory properties similar to those of cortisone



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