Senin, 02 April 2018

Best Ways To Prevent Car Travel Problems With Your Dog

Best Ways To Prevent Car Travel Problems With Your Dog

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Best Ways To Prevent Car Travel Problems With Your Dog

Cars are an essential part of our lives and help us get around far quicker than using the bus or train. Unfortunately, our dogs do not always react well to travelling in a car and a number of problems could arise. Learn how to prevent problems that your dog may have when travelling in your car.
Possible problems include: nervousness in the car. car sickness. over-excitement in the car, resulting in barking and jumping around. problems being left in the car. territorial aggression.

Prevention: Teaching your dog the right behaviour from the beginning is the most sensible thing to do. This means taking your dog for regular short journeys in the car. If possible, have someone else in the car to reward good behaviour when it occurs. Treats are not such a good reward here, as this could make the dog feel travel sick. Rewards of attention or a special toy will be more effective in this situation.

What to do if problems have arisen: The solution will depend on what the dog is doing and why he his doing it.

For nervousness in the car, see the previous section on nervous behaviour. You must begin to make the car a great place to be. Car sickness is often linked with nervousness, as the dog learns to dislike the car. Some young dogs simply grow out of it, others dont. Again, ensure that the car is a good place to be and make frequent short trips. Maybe simply move the car a few yards at first and progress gradually. Over-excitement in the car, resulting in barking and jumping around, is one of the most common problems.

Do not only use the car when you are going somewhere exciting, take your dog on boring trips too. It may be a good idea to fasten your dog securely, perhaps using a car harness, for safetys sake. Reward good behaviour. Resist the urge to shout and become cross as this will only make your dog more excited.

For problems with being left in the car, see the previous section on teaching a dog to be left. Territorial aggression. The more time your dog spends in the car, the more likely he is to feel territorial about it. Therefore, control the situation and avoid parking in busy places where people will be walking by the car. If your dog jumps out of the car before you are ready, consider fastening him using a car safety harness. Seek help if necessary for any car problems.

The author has been writing articles for several years. Check out his latest website on Snap On Screwdrivers which gives people help and advice to find the best deals for Snap On tools.

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