Understanding Your German Shepherd Biting Dilemma and Learn How to Control This
German Shepherds are a great pet to have but do become very demanding at times and can even start to bite. Dealing with your German Shepherd biting is an important skill to have whether or not your dog actually bites.
A good idea would be to train your dog not to bite while he is still a puppy. Puppies tend to be very playful and do take small nips and bites as they play. Teach them from day one that biting or nipping is behavior that is absolutely not acceptable and in no way will it be tolerated.
The way to do this is to tap his chin upwards and say 'no biting!' Next, offer a body part you know he nips at playfully once in a while. When he starts to nip at it, tap beneath his chin once again and say 'no biting!'
Do this until he gets the idea. Regardless of the degree of German Shepherd biting your pet has, German Shepherds are highly trainable and this is the reason they are often used as police dogs or Seeing Eye dogs.
You may wonder what the causes are for German Shepherd biting. You may be concerned about this especially if your dog never had a biting problem before.
If your dog has started to bite everything including tree barks, your shoes, the legs of your furniture and even you, you need to pay attention to this sudden change of behavior which can indicate either boredom or anxiety.
German Shepherd biting may also be caused by his being protective of you in the presence of strangers. Your dog might snap and snarl at strangers to show that he is protecting you and is afraid that if he does not do this, you could possibly be harmed.
German Shepherds are a breed of dog which has a lot of energy. If this energy is not used up or utilized in any way, and you leave your dog for hours with nothing to do in your apartment, your dog may express his extreme boredom by biting.
Aside from biting, symptoms of an unhappy shepherd include whining, anxiety and significant chewing of your belongings, especially those which have your strong scent on them. How do you deal with this? What you need to do is make room in your schedule and take your dog or a run for an hour each day. This will enable your pup to get the sufficient exercise he needs in order to be in great condition, physically and mentally.
You will see the changes and improved behavior in your dog if you consistently take him out for exercise each and every day. Not only will your dog most likely stop biting, he will also cease most of the other undesirable behavior he has been exhibiting.
Many times, the problems many dog owners face are eradicated once they begin to take their dog for a walk.
This may be the solution you have been looking for which will put an end once and for all to your German Shepherd biting.